This episode answers the popular questions on how Postinor 2 or 1 damages the womb, or the common side effects, bleeding and so on. This is one you should never miss.
Postinor is a popular brand of an emergency contraception drug available in Nigeria and other parts of the world. It is taken orally by females. Other names for emergency contraceptive drugs are morning after pills, post pill, take action, next choice one dose, fall back solo, react and PLAN B one step.
Now emergency contraception in this case refers to ways of preventing pregnancy after having unprotected sexual intercourse, or inadequately protected sexual intercourse – I mean, we talk about possibilities of a condom leak or tear during intercourse… some have even asked me what if they wear double condoms – it can still leak or tear! Some people’s genitals be looking like a horse whip, the rigorous sex some engage in, as if it’s a fight to death.
Back to emergency contraception. There have been a whole lot of things ladies have tried for emergency contraception, sprite and alabukun, douching, a woman in the news put in a whole potato in her vagina and after she started having pains It was removed by the doctors eventually, said to have been growing in there… you can just imagine.
1. What does Postinor contain? It contains a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel, synthesized from Progesterone which most people are familiar with.
2. You must have heard Postinor 1 and 2, what are the differences? – answer in the podcast.
3. When does one use Postinor? Simple answer is that it is used as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse. Now you may want to use it immediately, just to be on the good side of efficacy, but studies have showed it could work up to 5days after, just with reduced efficacy or increased chances of getting pregnant, which ever sinks better for you.
So for Postinor 1 which has only one tablet, you take just that one post intercourse. For the Postinor 2, 1st tablet is taken after sex and the second tablet exactly 12hours after the 1st tablet…well unless your village people are on your case.
So, the point is this, when used correctly, it is very effective in preventing pregnancy if fertilization had not occurred already, we’ll get into that later. But data available says it is 95% effective when taken within the 1st 24hours, and steadily declines to about 58% if taken between 48 to 72hours later. In essence, it helps prevent about 85% of expected pregnancies, which is a whole lot!
Lol, I love this episode so much, thanks for all you shared , truth be told , there are so many misconceptions about postinor, that well thanks to you, I know better .
Thank you so much Moonlight, happy you enjoyed it. I’m sure I didn’t exhaust all the misconceptions but we’ll get there. Kindly share so others will get the little bit of info too.
Thanks for this👏
You are welcome Kenny
Can postinor2 be taken twice in a month
I have learnt a whole lot 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Thanks favour, Well appreciated. Don’t forget to share and come back for more .