Discussions on Child Sexual Abuse has been on for a very long time and incidence keeps rising at an alarming rate. It is our responsibility to continue to pluck these perpetrators out of our society. On this episode of the Child Sexual Abuse Series, a Survivor shares her experience on how she had to cope with been abused by her own father and her healing process. She also shares her own perspective on how parents should pay attention to their kids. Listen to the end for a bonus exposition.
This is so saddening to listen to.
Child abusers deserve a special place in hell!
I pray God completely heals her cuz sincerely contrary to what she says i don’t believe that she is totally fine yet. But if anyone can heal her completely, it’s God.
I agree with you on this Rita. Sometimes we think we are fine, but not totally. Sometimes it’s part of our coping mechanisms to assume we are fine to heal. But fact remains that, we all need to come together to eradicate child sexual abuse in Nigeria, even worldwide.