The child sexual abuse series continues in this episode with Miss Celestine, based in Ethiopia, who narrates her child sexual abuse experience and raised several concerns on the issues of prevention and parenting.
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To buttress what Miss Celestine said about parents being friends with their kids. I was close to my dad before he passed on. Being a lecturer helped him pass d information across to me effortlessly. He always asked us questions about who touch u and who did this to u. I remember the 1st time I saw a penis, it was my neighbor’s own. He was a teenager, he called me in and asked if I have seen it before and what it was used for. Thank God for my dad’s lecture, I ran and fell off the stairs. The beating he got that day, I am sure he won’t forget in hurry.
Not quite long, another neighbor tried rapping me. In his words “u will grow up to be a beautiful girl, let me be the 1st to taste out of ur thing, even if ur dad beats me like he did to ****, it won’t change anything cuz i would have taste out of it”. It was my cry that attracted his mum’s attention.
These experiences helped me to be more vocal when it comes to me saying NO to men sexual advances and at the same time made me have trust issues with men. Parents shouldn’t be too busy to find a ME time with their kids. Little bit of attention counts
Like everything else, parent-child relationship, communication in particular, makes all the difference in preventing and empowering children against sexual abuse.
One of the reasons this awareness was started in the first place, to ensure that parents know these things still happen on a daily, perpetrators are everywhere and it can be anybody. Learn the telltale signs of abuse and pick it early enough.
What other preventive measures can be put in place Mr. Paul, in your own opinion?
Excellent project Dr. Atte. This needs to be shared wildly on social media as child sexual abuse is prevalent in many societies and create life long psychological problems for victims.