Many Faith Based Organisations made this mandatory for their members a while ago, and for obvious reasons. While everyone is debating whether this is a right or wrong move, we will discuss the benefits of having a planned premarital health screening done before you say I do!
Thank You for responding. I understand these things now and why they are important.
I have another question, In the case of AS and AS marriage, Is there a way they can avoid not having an SS child even if it will be expensive ?
Can they do IVF?
Is there a way the child’s genotype can be known before the third trimester?
Yes there are ways for As and AS to get non-SS children, however these procedures are very expensive and a lot of people may not be able to afford it as it runs into millions and there are risks involved. IVF is an option.
Of course genotype can be determined in the womb as early as 9weeks. Methods used can be chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis. If the child is SS then pregnancy can be terminated.
Wow it is good to know there are solutions and the only ish is getting funds to do all that.
Amazing Information. Thank You Dr Nick for your consistency. God blessings.
Yes, funds is quite important, and a detailed explanation of risks involved.
Thanks for the discuss Sifon, and the kind words of encouragement.
I have one question o, do we have to wait till we are about hitting the very serious about to get married stage before we find this out?
I’m asking because a lot of people shield all these things until you have falling in love yama yama before they now tell you what they are battling with. Only a few people just say it from the start and even clear you sef that if you want to stay it’s fine but if you can’t then let’s not go further.
Another question is what if we are compatible Genotype wise but the blood group isn’t a match?
Truth is, no one should wait till they have a significant life event before checking themselves medically. Annual checkups if you can afford it, or a proper consultation with a doctor whenever you are sick will do a lot of good in avoiding last minute rush.
Even if the rhesus factor in your bloods causes an incompatibility issue, like I said, this can be sorted out with your doctor and you can still go ahead.
Bottom line is, do you best to check yourself medically before making these decisions and no time is too early or too late.
I have one question o, do we have to wait till we are about hitting the very serious about to get married stage before we find this out?
I’m asking because a lot of people shield all these things until you have falling in love yama yama before they now tell you what they are battling with. One a few people just say it from the start and even clear you sef that if you want to stay it’s fine but if you can’t then let’s not go further.
Another question is what if we are compatible Genotype wise but the blood group isn’t a match?